I received an email from UCB Canada right after Remembrance Day. It was another survey of Christmas music asking which songs I would prefer to hear on their radio station. For me, this has become like getting the Sears Christmas Wishbook in the mail. I sit, listen and rate a small excerpt of about 100 Christmas songs. Some are classics from my childhood, some are current artists and others I have never heard before. I jot down any that stand out for me either with the lyrics or the arrangement. I search for those songs on Spotify adding ones I really like to a playlist. I then search other Christmas songs by those artists.

If you didn’t catch my playlists for the last two years, here are the links to those posts.

This is the playlist I have come up with for this year.

Last year on Christmas Eve, my aunt passed away. When I heard this song I immediately thought about my uncle, my cousins and my mom and how they must be feeling entering into this holiday season.

Sometimes the lyrics draw me right in and then the song also has an explosive chorus.
This one is one of my favourites.

I like to include at least one upbeat song that has a “feel good” vibe to it.

Creating a playlist of new songs to listen to each Christmas has become a tradition for me. It lines up with the start of the advent season. Many of the songs are religious and have you reflecting on the true meaning of the Christmas season. I hope you will have a listen while you drive to work, wrap presents or do some Christmas baking.

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