Last year I put together a playlist of “new to me” Christmas music and shared it in my blog Listen […]

Creating my Own “O Christmas Tree” to Capture a Memory
it is that time of year when people are putting up their Christmas trees. When I see a Christmas tree, […]

Mason Jar Signs Made with Recycled Pallet Wood
My husband loves to come across pallets that people no longer want. He oohs and ahs when a pallet is […]

Make Your Own Scrap Wood Pumpkin
I saw this wooden pumpkin on Pinterest and wanted to try something similar. We have a lot of scrap wood […]

Fall Viewing Gallery
I am hoping to use the Gallery drop down menu on my home page to showcase all of the projects […]

My 100th Blog Post: by the numbers
I noticed the other day, before posting my Sweet Tomato Relish recipe, that I had published 98 posts to my […]

My Map of The Hundred Acre Wood
After I recently made these three log pieces of The Winnie the Pooh Parade, the Seven Dwarfs and The Fellowship […]

Sticks: the card game
I recently came across a version of this game online and decided that I wanted to make myself a set. […]

20 Ideas and Hacks for an Avid Gardener
I have seen many of these ideas floating around on facebook and I saved them thinking I would like to […]

Make Your Own Seed Tape
Every year that I have had a garden I have planted carrots. I always grab a small handful of seeds […]