I noticed the other day, before posting my Sweet Tomato Relish recipe, that I had published 98 posts to my blog.

It really doesn’t feel that way and I feel like there is more to share.

So, for this, my 100th post, I wanted to do a quick review of what I have done in the last year as much for me as for you.

Looking back at this past year on my Pinterest page (The Craftiest Workshop) and my Instagram feed (ccjmt5) I can see that I have created quite a few things.
Some of them you may have seen before but a few are new and have not yet been shared.

145 wood slices burned; to some of which paint was added.

52 wooden tags burned; 15 were painted after.

34 recipes; made and photographed

32 wooden blocks; burned and painted

30 bookmarks; burned with tassels made

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30 pieces cut from scrap 2X4; some painted

25 projects using pallets; wood burned and some painted

25 yarn creatures

18 wooden spoons; burned

11 log pieces; burned and painted

A quick tally and I find I have made 389 items in the last year.
That means pretty much an average of just over one made per day.

This pleasantly surprised me as some days I feel quite unproductive.

I have renewed my blog domain for another year so I plan to continue writing and creating.

I appreciate those of you who continue to subscribe and read my blog.
I hope you are enjoying the content.

I am truly…

4 Replies to “My 100th Blog Post: by the numbers”

  1. Now, once again comes the Fall season, then .winter always good times to ready and make for the seasons. ❤️

  2. Congratulations Corinne on your 100th blog. I enjoy seeing your talent and what you have created.

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