One day recently I was chatting with my mom and she mentioned that she had heard a sparrow somewhere nearby. […]

Listen to the Sounds of Christmas 2022
I received an email from UCB Canada right after Remembrance Day. It was another survey of Christmas music asking which […]

My Old Rugged Cross
You know how I said I had other ideas for the wood scrap in our garage? This project is all […]

Bloom Where You Are Planted
If you recall, I visited my parents last fall in Kamsack SK. It was the perfect time as all the […]

Create a Walking Stick to Walk With the Lord
After my snowshoeing fall where I broke my aluminum walking pole, I decided that I should perhaps resort to a […]

It is more blessed to give than to receive
These words taken from Acts 20:35 can hold a variety of meanings. One can give or share money, time, talents, […]

Religious Christmas Gallery
Here are the religious Christmas projects I have done over the last few years. The true meaning of Christmas. I […]

Advent Calendars Can Be More Than Just Chocolates
With Christmas Day falling on a Saturday this year, the first Sunday of Advent is on Nov. 28, only 11 […]

Comfort in a Difficult Time
A young man from my hometown died in a tragic accident this past weekend. The news greatly affected my brother’s […]

Aspire to Be Like a Child in the Afternoon of Your Life
I attended mass with my parents last Sunday at their church in Kamsack SK and the homily message really resonated […]