My brother and his wife have left their two dogs with us for about three weeks now. It has been five years since our dog, Brandy, passed away. You quickly forget how having a dog or dogs around can be.

You have to remember to give them food and water.
I am all about routines; even for dogs. Not sure if it will be appreciated or not, but I have got the dogs on an eating routine that seems to work. I fill their bowls around 9am and give the dogs some cut up carrot; a few larger pieces for Shay and some diced pieces for Coco. They eat the carrot and then continue on with their dog food. Most days they know that we will be going outside shortly after they finish. At lunch, I give them a few treats just before I sit down to eat. Supper is a repeat of breakfast, usually while I am cooking to get them out from being under foot. I also gave them their own bowls so I could monitor who was eating what (double the food for Shay of course). No more late night meals for Coco because he was getting enough at “meal” times.

Dogs like sleeping on the bed.
When we had our dog, she was allowed to sleep at the foot of the bed. She was a Shih-tzu. I had trouble sleeping the few nights when Coco, a miniature poodle, tried to sleep with us. He likes to sleep in between us and even better if he can get under the covers. I decided to make them both comfy sleeping spots on the floor. It only took a couple times putting Coco back in his bed for him to go there on his own. Some evenings, if I watch Netflix before bed, I allow them on the bed with me and they are ok going to their beds once the lights get turned out.

Dogs figure out how to make themselves feel at home.

Almost from the first day they arrived, Shay claimed her spot on the couch. Coco decided to use the dog bed that we keep in the living room for when we dog sit for Chris’s brother. He moves around the inner pillow so it is where he likes it.

Dogs aren’t much on personal space.
Every time I sit anywhere, Coco wants to sit on my lap.
Some mornings both of them want my close up attention.

Dogs like to stick close when outside

When I walk around the property both dogs usually follow or run just ahead of me.

When I sit outside they lie down close by.

Every dog has their interesting quirks.

Shay makes me smile every time she gets ready to go outside. She gets down in a crouch position and rocks up and down like she is going to launch. Her first step out the door is a big jump.

Coco is very engaged when you talk to him especially if you ask questions. He turns his head side to side and shows how closely he listens. Shay is the opposite where she stares at you unblinking.

Some dogs like to steal pieces of clothing.

We came home one evening from being out and found one of my socks from the laundry on the floor. Chris then went out of town for a few days and I found one of his socks on the floor. This trend continued and we finally found the culprit.

Having a pet around is good for your mental health

Not once in the last few weeks have I felt bored or down. There is always something to do to keep the dogs busy or cleaning up after them. They are always willing to be petted though neither wants to be cuddled for too long.

It has been nice having animals around again. We may be opening up more to the idea of getting a small to mid-sized dog. Until then I will just have to satisfy my want of pet companionship with dogsitting other people’s dogs.

4 Replies to “Temporarily Adjusting to Life With Dogs”

  1. The dogs are a lot of work, but they give so much unconditional love. I love our granddogs and don’t mind babysitting them. Enjoy the company.

  2. I got a little emotional reading this one, as you might imagine. We are so grateful that you are caring for Shay and Coco while we go through this awkward time. It means the world to us.

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