Last week we were in Grande Prairie for Chris’s work and we stayed with Chris’s brother’s family while apartment hunting. Chris has left the RMWB and is now working for the AB government out of Grande Prairie for now.

It was a long frustrating week of trying to get in to see places, sorting out utilities and figuring out rental insurance.

We decided we needed a distraction break so Wednesday evening we took a walk with Chris’s brother as he played through an 18 hole disc golf game. Aside from having to climb a few steep hills, we enjoyed ourselves and may decide to try it going forward.

On Thursday, we measured and drew in chalk a Pickle ball court on their cul de sac. Pickle ball has become quite popular with the 50+ crowd. It is very similar to tennis but has a lighter shorter racquet and the ball is a wiffle ball (has holes in it). I thought, at the young age of 47, that I should have no problem trying it out.

I went out there and was able to serve quite well after a few practice hits. We had a few longer volleys and in the midst of one the volleys I moved quickly to the right to try to hit the ball. I took a step with my left leg and heard a pop, my leg gave way and there was intense pain in my calf.

I was hopping around on my right leg yelling “my leg, my leg!!” I imagine it looked quite comical. Chris and his brother helped me to a nearby camping chair. I was given ice and something to prop my foot on. Waves of nausea and shaking followed because the pain was so intense.

After awhile I made it to the house with crutches borrowed from a neighbor. I literally crawled up the front steps then crawled down into the basement to the bedroom we were staying in. Took some pain meds and tried to sleep.

We travelled back to Fort Mac the next day after signing our lease and getting keys. I elevated my leg on the dash (no, I wasn’t driving…lol) up for 20 min and down for 20 min the whole trip to avoid making the swelling worse. I also drank very little and managed to avoid having to get out to pee until we got home.

Here I am on Saturday, two days after the incident. After some stretching, elevating and ice in the morning, I was able to use one crutch and put weight on the sprained calf leg.

By Sunday I was able to move about with a tensor wrapped around my leg without using the crutches. There was a fair bit of leg/ankle swelling by the end of the day but I felt better and I was glad I was able to supervise the yard work getting done.

Monday I was a bit sore from the overuse on Sunday but we travelled back to Grande Prairie and I was able to elevate my foot again.

Tuesday I was still walking at a snail’s pace but I was able to get some shopping done using the shopping cart as my walker. I have a bit more empathy for those seniors who have to always move slowly with a walker.

Today I started my day by massaging my leg so I could put weight on it. Next step is to ice it and wrap it. The muscle feels somewhat slack after being completely taut since Thursday. Hoping for a quiet day to allow it some healing time.

The big lesson here would be, if you are going to do any exercise that is not something you do regularly (like walking), you MUST stretch first!!

3 Replies to “Slow road to recovery”

  1. Oh my — that is painful. Have been wondering how you have been getting along in GP.
    With moving, don’t over do anything. Thoughts are with you.

  2. What a start to moving to GP. Sometimes a sprain can be worse than a break .
    Have you seen a doctor ? If it continues to cause problems it wouldn’t hurt to see one. Hope you will be better soon.

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