It only took six weeks for all the green tomatoes I picked off my plants to all turn red. These are the last of them; the ones that turned earlier were bagged and put in the freezer. I think we ended up with seven large ziplocks full of Cherry and Roma tomatoes.

With a light dusting of snow on the ground as I write this, it seemed like a perfect day for making soup. I enjoy any soup with roasted vegetables especially if there is garlic added. I am pretty sure I found this in a Taste of Home magazine.
15 large tomatoes seeded and quartered(I used 3/4 of the box above)
8 cloves of garlic minced
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 large onion finely chopped
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp salt
2 cups of water (chicken or vegetable broth adds more flavour)
1 tsp sugar
1/2- 1 cup cream (I used evaporated milk)
Combine the tomatoes, minced garlic and oil in a large pot.
As I was using smaller tomatoes, I just left them whole.

Pour onto a foil lined cookie sheet.

Place in a 400° oven for 20 min.
While the tomatoes are roasting, sauté onion in a bit more oil in the same pot.

When the tomatoes come out of the oven, remove the skins and put the tomatoes, garlic and juices in with the onions.
Having used mostly Cherry or tiny Roma tomatoes, I only removed the skins from the larger Roma tomatoes.
Add broth, salt, pepper, and red pepper.
Stir, bring to a boil and simmer over a low heat.
Simmer for 30 minutes.

Use an immersion blender to blend into a creamy soup.
You could also use a blender and return to pot.

Stir in cream to taste.
As I didn’t have any cream, I ended up using some evaporated milk and it worked also.

I added sugar to the ingredients after the fact as I am used to store bought tomato soup and felt it needed a bit more sweetness.
I might add some finely chopped celery and left over pasta when I reheat the leftovers.
Garnish with some grated Parmesan cheese and ground black pepper.
A nice warm and creamy soup on a chilly day.
Good for and Malisa for your choice to make homemade tomato 🍅 soup! Something I have stayed clear of. 🍅👍
Always enjoy a new recipe! Thanks It looks yummy.