Every year that I have had a garden I have planted carrots. I always grab a small handful of seeds and try to slide one or two down to my pinched finger and thumb then drop them the correct distance apart. Most of the time, on the May long weeked there is some sort of wind and the carrot seeds do not drop the correct distance apart and most often I drop more seeds than one or two in the same spot.
This causes my carrots to come up close together and I end up having to thin the carrots a few times throughout the summer.
I watched a video of a lady making her own seed tape for small seeds like carrots and I thought I would give it a try.
The first thing you need is toilet paper (which I know is a prized commodity these days). I decided to make my seed tape in four foot sections as my garden is 12′ x 8′ so it would work either way; it also turns out to be the length of my table.
Roll out a few lengths of 4 feet sections of toilet paper, break them off and lay them on top of each other.
I did 3 lengths.
Stacking the toilet paper makes it easier to cut.
Cut down the center of the paper so each length becomes 2 separate lengths.
Grab a ruler or measuring tape to help place the seeds the correct distance apart.

In a small bowl mix together with a whisk equal parts flour and water.
I did a 1/2 cup and that was WAY too much.
Start with a couple tablespoons and add more if needed.
You will also need a cotton swab to use to dab the paste onto the toilet paper.
Dab a generous amount midway up the paper.
For carrots the distance apart was 5cm.
I lessened it to 4cm as I went as it seemed too far apart and we like our carrots smaller anyhow.

I did a couple ruler lengths adding paste then switched to dropping seeds.
I chose to meaningfully drop two seeds as I want to make sure I get at least one in each spot; sometimes seeds don’t germinate.

Here is a full length of the toilet paper with seeds.

Gently fold the toilet paper towards yourself and push down where each seed/paste spot is.
Continue all the way along until the entire 4 ft strip is folded.
Place it away from you on the table and start another strip.

Here are my 12 finished 4 ft sections.
This will allow me plant 4 rows along the 12 ft length of my garden.

Leave on the table or working surface for an hour or two or until dry.
Gently roll up each strip and place in an airtight container and store until you are ready to plant.

This method could be used for any small seed plant as long as you know how far apart each plant should be.
I know that if this works for me this year, I will always plant my carrots this way.
Note Jan. 2022. Last May/June was extremely dry and the seed tape did not work very well. Only 1/3 of my carrots germinated. I suggest soaking the ground with warm water, laying the seed tape and then soaking again with more warm water before covering with soil. Water everyday if there is no rain until you see seedlings. I am also going to try very thin toilet paper (No Name brand) to see if that makes a difference.
Very ingenious! I may, say, may give it a try.
Sure worth trying. Thanks, Corinne
My rolls of seeds are starting me in the face as I write this.
8 carrot, 1 dill and 1 lettuce.
It worked so well, I may even do the bigger seeds and seeds will go a longer way.
Note: this mix of flour and water is what you grandparents used to hang wallpaper.