I try to buy just enough of the ingredients for my Christmas baking so that I don’t have too much left over in the New Year. This year I ended up with coconut, sweetened condensed milk and some almonds that needed to be used up before expiring.
Last Christmas I tried this recipe for Almond Joy Cookies from Kitchen Fun with My Three Sons. I found that there was a bit too much condensed milk compared to the filling ingredients and they spread out on the pan.
I decided to try them again but I used plain almonds cut in three pieces and toasted them. I also increased the amount. The cookies turned out much nicer.
Almond Joy Drops
1 3/4 cups sweetened flaked coconut
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup of toasted almonds (375° for 10min) chopped into thirds. Cut before toasting or measuring.
2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl.
Drop by Tablespoon onto parchment lined cookie sheets.
Wet fingers with water to form mounds and flatten slightly.
Bake at 325° for 12-14 minutes.
They will be browned when ready.

It has been a long while since I have made a cookie that I like THIS much.
My husband’s comment after biting into one was, ”you had better freeze at least half of them right now or they will all be gone.”
Good sign, for a guy that has no sweet tooth!