Every time we go to Edmonton we stop in at Mission Fun and Games in St. Albert. In their parking lot, they have some uniquely carved wooden sculptures. This roughly carved tower of dice was something my husband decided that he wanted to try to recreate with his chainsaw.

We had these thicker cut spruce trees that had been left behind by the previous owner. He decided to prop one up on a cutting stand and work at it.

He managed to cut six dice out of it.

I gave it a rough sanding then set to work painting it with white outdoor paint.

I had painted it in late fall and we stored it under our front steps for the winter. It was lying on the gravel and covered in snow. When the ice surrounding it melted this spring, we pulled it out and it only needed a few touch ups.

I set to work tracing dots onto the different dice faces keeping in mind which numbers needed to be where and which orientation. Ones opposite sixes, twos opposite fives and threes opposite fours. Painting each dot, and staying in the circle, took some time. I initially painted them with a dark brown outdoor paint that we picked up as an mis-tint at Home Hardware; a gallon for $10. Somehow, the brown just didn’t look dicey enough so we bought a sample size of black outdoor paint and I did the second coat with that.

I decided to place it in the center of my new wildflower garden.

It makes the wildflower garden more personalized.
We love board games so the dice makes sense.
I just might add some gnomes in there and something musical as well.

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