I have kept all my plastic eggs from my children’s Easter egg hunting days. I also acquired others from my mother in-law. I used them quite often for Early Learning activities around Easter and for reptile related activities.

I wanted to use some of the eggs in my Easter decor but the bright loud colours were not what I was looking for. Instead I decided to try to wrap an egg in yarn. I used the leftover yarn from the kitchen hand towel I knitted last year.

Starting at the fatter end of a medium blue egg, hot glue the end of the yarn and keep gluing and wrapping until the whole egg is covered.

This looks lovely beside my bunny napkin holder but I may need a few more.

While wrapping the egg, I remembered that I had some larger metal eggs in my magnetic toys bin.
I found them along with these metal rabbits.

Since I seem to be liking burlap in my decor, I decided to use burlap twine and wrap an egg and a bunny to see how they would look. I added two buttons for eyes and a ribbon bow on the bunny.

These two took quite a while to glue and wrap but I am really pleased with the look. I think I will wrap the other egg and bunny to add to the opposite corner of this ledge.
I am also thinking about wrapping an egg in this varigated yarn with fall colours.
I will then wrap the fatter end with the burlap twine and give I a stem. It will make nice acorn for my fall decor.

One of the things I love about crafting is that you start to make one thing but it gives you ideas of other things to make or try. I wonder what other ideas I will come up with to use up all these plastic eggs.
Happy Easter! ❤️