I recently came across a version of this game online and decided that I wanted to make myself a set.
It is a similar game to School or 12 step Rummy where you have a goal to complete. In this game there are 50 different goals.
I copied out the 50 goals and proceeded to trace them onto jumbo popsicle sticks.
My next step was to burn them in.

I knew I wanted to put them in something and decided to create a case or box for the game. I found some wooden boxes at Dollarama for $4. The next step was to print out some images online of card suits and board game symbols. I found a font that I thought would work and printed out the word STICKS. Everything got traced onto the wooden box and then burned in.

For this game you need four decks of cards. Each player gets a hand of 15 and draws one stick. On the stick will be a goal to complete with either sets or runs. Each round you want to complete your stick before someone goes out. Whoever completes seven sticks first wins the game.
I am including the Word file with the 50 different goals on the sticks as well as the rules we use.
Great work!
Great game
Sounds like a lot of fun. Great work, Corinne