I enjoy scrolling through Pinterest looking for craft or project ideas. A few weeks ago, I came across this image of a girl in a blue bonnet and patchwork dress. I loved the image and decided that I needed to wood burn it and then paint it. Sometimes living here out in the country I feel like the girl in this piece.

I liked the idea of using the mason jar shaped piece of wood as the image has that country homemaker type feel to it.
Fast forward to this week. I was feeling kind of off with the news pouring in about Jasper. Another wildfire wiping out part of a community. I needed to watch something to take my mind off the doom and gloom. I needed something wholesome to watch.
I started watching the show “Holly Hobbie” on Netflix. Basically a singer/song writer girl growing up in the country outside a small town in the U.S. dealing with every day problems of a 13 year old. On the last episode of the first season the was the town celebrating the bi-centennial. Holly dressed up in a costume fitting the time period. You can imagine my pleasant surprise when I saw that she was dressed in the picture perfect image of the burning/painting that I had just recently finished!! I actually laughed out loud.
I didn’t realize, when I saw the image that it is an iconic image of Holly Hobbie. There were many American greeting cards made featuring a girl in a bonnet and patchwork dress. The artist’s name was Holly Hobbie. She also wrote a few children’s books about Holly Hobbie but then branched out to create a new series featuring Toot & Puddle. Here are a few of her books.

I have read a lot of children’s books over the years but I am not sure that any have been by Holly Hobbie. I plan to make sure I keep an eye out when I am looking through children’s books at the thrift stores.
I took my painting outside to take a few photos near my flowers.

This piece is for me. It makes me smile and makes me feel whimsical. I will likely display it in my kitchen so I can see it every day.
Inter story behind this craft.
Seems to me your Aunt made a quilt featuring this Holly Honnie character, maybe for Jennifer?
I think it’s quite beautiful. Well done!! Love this.
Beautiful!! You are so talented! As a young girl I had a Holly Hobbie paper doll kit. I did not realize that she had books too. I will watch for the books at Seconhand stores too.