When my kids were small, my parents came for a visit often around Easter. One visit my mom put together this Easter egg surprise. I think the kids opened all the eggs on Easter Sunday after finding them in an egg hunt but I think it would also be nice to open them leading up to Easter.
There are 12 numbered eggs which I have kept in an egg carton in my Easter decorations bin. The Ritz bitz cracker was still inside there from when my kids were small!! I replaced it with a quartered soda cracker. Inside each egg there is an object which represents a bible reading. Inside you could add the scripture reading on a slip of paper or just have a master list.
- John 12:12-13 Palm branch or toy palm tree
- Matthew 26:14-16 30 pieces of silver (Quarter and nickel)
- John 13:3-5 Towel (Small piece of cloth)
- Mark 14:22-25 Bread/wine/blood (Cracker/toy cup/lamb)
- John 19:2-3 Thorns (toothpicks or stick pins)
- John 19:17-18 Cross (toothpicks tied into a cross)
- Luke 23:33 Nail
- John 19:23-24 Dice
- John 19:34 Sword
- John 19:38-40 Spices/ gauze
- Matthew 27:59-60 Stone
- Matthew 28:1-6 Empty tomb (empty)
Resurrection eggs are an easy way to teach children about what Easter is all about.
This visual reminder to go along with bible readings is also another way for us as adults to have some reflective moments during our Easter celebrations.