You know how I said I had other ideas for the wood scrap in our garage? This project is all made from scrap 2X4’s that were left for us by the previous owners. Not straight enough for building, some have chunks taken off and others have screw holes but they are perfect for projects that need smaller pieces.
The bin we have been using for cut off wood pieces was near overflowing so I decided to first sort it into two bins, 2X4 and other. I chose a longer, medium length and short piece of of 2X4 and laid them in the shape of a cross. I drilled two 1/2 inch holes on each piece where they would join and put in a lot of wood glue and a piece of dowel. I actually used the handles of two old foam brushes, each cut in two. After everything was lined up, I clamped it and let it dry.

The next part was the fun part, choosing the wood. I tried to mix greyed, brown and light pieces in different shapes. I chose a few pieces with interesting knots or rough spots. I wanted the rustic look. I roughly cut pieces with the bandsaw, trimming little bits when needed to make them fit. Once all the pieces were in place, I glued them down using Weldbond.

I could have left it at this point, and I would have been happy with it, but I decided to add words.
I chose words that the cross represents for me.
I also added some hymn titles or lines from hymns that I am often caught singing.
These were done with my wood burner.

I am finding that while working in the same space as my husband, building and creating, we tend to influence where a project is going for the other. This project is a prime example. I wanted to leave the cross bare with no finish but my husband kept insisting I add something. He was leaning towards colour but I compromised with just a clear coat of matte polycrylic.
Here is the final look. A little less colour contrast and a bit of a sheen, but still looking rustic.

Adding the words to the cross really personalized it for me.
I do want to make another and try painting the pieces before attaching them.
I also think a torched version would have an interesting look.
With all the scrap wood we generate, there will be more crosses to come for sure.
I ‘love’ it!
Malisa and you have aspects of God in your lives! 😘
beautiful! Well done Corrine
Thanks Pat. All my Trenton choir friends were on my mind as I made this one.
It’s simply Beautiful!!
Thanks Leslie. I was thinking of our choir in Trenton as I burned in the hymns.
Another gorgeous piece of art. Love it Corinne.
Thanks so much.
Love it Corinne. Well done.
I thought a lot about singing at funerals at St. Peter’s as I made this cross.
The cross such a significant part of our faith. Lovely