I really enjoy slurping an iced capp from Tim Horton’s especially in the summer but it gets costly after awhile.
I decided to try to figure out a way to make a similar drink at home.

2 generous scoops Chapman’s Cappuccino Frozen Yogurt
1 cup milk (I used almond milk but any milk works)
1 Tbsp Nescafe ice Java syrup
1/2 cup crushed ice
magic bullet or blender
Start by pouring the milk into the cup.
Like with anything I make in the magic bullet, it is best to put the liquid in first.

Scoop the yogurt into the cup.
I do not have an ice cream scoop here at the apartment but I used a large spoon.
The frozen yogurt doesn’t seem to get as hard as ice cream does.

Next add the syrup.
I don’t actually measure the Tbsp but just give the bottle a squeeze.
You would have to experiment to see how strong of a coffee taste and sweetness you want added.

If you have a crushed ice function on your fridge, you could add about 1/2 cup at this point. Perhaps you have an ice cube tray with smaller sections or one of those trays with the long ice cubes to put in water bottles.
I find regular ice cubes do not break down enough. If that is all you have, leave out the ice.
I had none of the choices above so I left out ice this time.
It just ends up a bit more like a coffee milkshake.

Without the ice, the cup was only about 3/4 full.
You could add a bit more of the other ingredients to fill the cup and mix again.
If you look closely, you can see bits of chocolate.
The yogurt has these small pieces of chocolate in it which makes the drink extra yummy.
This combination tastes very similar to an iced capp and after you buy the ingredients you will have everything on hand to make your own whenever you crave one.
I’ve made this with the salted caramel yogurt, a generous squirt of Quik chocolate syrup, and a small squirt of the Ice Java. I prefer more of a chocolate taste than the coffee taste. A dollop of Cool Whip (or whipped cream) on top, drizzled with more chocolate syrup makes it even more yummy. Happy National Chocolate Day.
Awesome and a lot cheaper. Will have to get the ingredients. Thanks for sharing.
Gene has made these off and on the past couple of years so good.