I don’t own a lot of Easter decorations. I decided to create something that was colorful and could be left out through spring.
I chose to make some bunnies out of scrap 2X4 pieces we have in the garage. Some of the wood had nail holes but I knew I was going to paint them so it didn’t really matter.
I found a bunny shape online and cropped it so that it measured just under 3.5 inches wide (the actual width of a 2X4). It turned out to be 6.3 inches tall. I printed it out, cut it and made a cardboard template which is easier to use when tracing onto wood.
Wood has gone up in price recently but for this project it isn’t too bad.. As I write this, you can buy an 8ft 2X4 for $8.20 at Home Depot. That is 15 bunnies!! An even cheaper way would be to acquire a free pallet and dismantle it. There are 2X4 pieces that the slats sit across. One bunny fits on each end section and you could get more in the middle.

Once you find some wood that will work, sand it down to clean it up.
I used an orbital sander.
Trace the bunny shape onto the wood.

Using a band saw, cut out the bunny shape.

Once it is cut out, it will need a bit more sanding.
I switched to my mouse sander as it can get into corners better. An 80 grit sandpaper would work if you want to sand by hand.

Once sanded, the bunny is ready to paint.

The paint I used was just cheap acrylic paint from the dollar store.
I did two coats of paint and one coat of clear matte Miniwax Polycrylic sealer on each bunny.
If it was going to be used with small children, I would suggest a coat of kidsafe Bizzz Beeswax furniture polish instead of the Polycrylic.
I added a piece of burlap twine or raffia to each bunny.
**I just added the links to places near me that I can find the products above.

These bunnies seem to be getting a lot of views on my Pinterest page. If anyone is interested in making their own, I made a rough printable template that is the same size as my bunnies.
You are so talented
That you are Corinne,,…..cure bunnies.
If I was younger, I would want some too, lol.