Last year a friend of my sister in-law’s made a batch of pumpkin spice syrup. I had a latté with the syrup mixed in and it was so tasty. I asked the friend what her recipe was and she said she couldn’t remember but that she had found it on Pinterest and it used coconut milk.
I found a recipe that uses coconut milk and the spices seemed about right so I thought I would try it. I had some pumpkin pureé in the freezer from last fall so I thawed out a bag. This particular recipe called for maple syrup as the sweetener and while I love maple syrup, it is so expensive so I decided to go a different route.
2 cups of coconut milk (one can was only 400ml so I just added 100 ml of almond milk)
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp cloves
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 cup pumpkin pureé (I would recommend canned over homemade or pureé homemade with blender)
Place all ingredients in a medium saucepan at med low heat.

The cinnamon will float on top until the mixture gets hot.
Bring to a boil whisking often.

Once it has begun boiling, remove pot from heat and allow the mixture to cool.
Pour into jars or ice cube trays. Ice cubes are a perfect amount to add to a hot drink such as tea, hot chocolate or coffee. If you decide to use jars, put them in the fridge.

I filled these two trays and put them in the freezer. I also had a bit left over which I added to some vanilla chai tea. It was very yummy.
After the cubes were frozen I used a knife to loosen the cubes and put them into a plastic container and back into the freezer.

I used my own pumpkin pureé which ends up tasting a bit chunky once you are at the bottom of your cup. I think canned pumpkin might be a better choice as it would be pureeéd more. I had another cup with the syrup mixed in but strained it with a fine mesh strainer; that worked great. It had already absorbed the pumpkin flavour from when it was first cooked on the stove so I really could have strained it before freezing it in the cubes.
Now I can enjoy these cooler fall temperatures while sipping am any hot pumpkin spice drink that I want.
Sounds lovely.