It is time to celebrate dads in this post.
As usual, I have added books, crafts, activities and sensory all geared towards fathers and their relationship with their kids.

Tile mirror craft

This was a gift that my husband got from my son when he was in grade three.
It is a 12X12 ceramic tile with pieces of coloured glass and a small mirror cemented onto it . Something similar could be done using cut up CD’s or DVDs instead of glass.
Check out this post by Better Homes and Gardens and watch the video for how to make your own… How to Mosaic
Paper shirt and tie

This is a super cute craft.
The website above has a template for the tie and kids can decorate it however they like.
Tool Craft

To make this craft easier for younger crafters, you could have them paint the metal parts with silver metallic paint instead of using foil.
Foil wrapping is a challenge for 3 yr olds.
Adults will most likely have to assist with the tying of the tools to the saw.
Clay Hand Bowl
To make this you need air drying clay

Roll out the clay, press hand into clay, cut around fingers, place in bowl to dry, paint.
Great for holding keys, coins or a watch. You can even put rings on the fingers.

“My Dad Rocks” Frame

For this craft you could use a solid piece of wood or a cheap frame.
You glue on the rocks around the edge then add in the word art.
D-A-D-D-Y (tune of BINGO)
I know a very special man and Daddy is his name-o
D-A-D-D-Y, D-A-D-D-Y, D-A-D-D-Y and Daddy is his name-o
I know a very special man and Daddy is his name-o
Clap- A-D-D-Y, Clap-A-D-D-Y, Clap-A-D-D-Y and Daddy is his name-O
Continue with each verse adding a Clap for the next letter until you are just clapping.
For the last verse sing all the letters again.
Happy Father’s Day to You
(“Happy Birthday”)
Happy Father’s Day to You
Happy Father’s Day to You
Happy Father’s Day, Daddy
Happy Father’s Day I Love You
Five Little Daddies Jumping on the Bed
Five little daddies jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said
“No more daddies jumping on the bed!”
Four little daddies jumping on the bed…
Three little daddies jumping…
Two little daddies…
One little daddy jumping on the bed
He fell off and bumped his head
Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said,
“Get those daddies back to bed!”
These are the Dads in our neighbourhood
These are the dads in our neighbourhood
In our neighbourhood
In our neighbourhood
These are the dads in our neighbourhood
They’re the people that we meet when we’re walking down the street
They’re the people that we meet each day.
A fireman is a person in our neighbourhood
in our neighbourhood
in our neighbourhood
A fireman is a person in our neighbourhood
He’s a person that we meet when we walk down the street
He’s a person that we meet each day.
Ask the children what their daddies do.
Continue adding different job titles that the children offer.
Bumpin up and down in my Daddy’s Side by Side
Bumpin up and down in my daddy’s side by side
Bumpin’ up and down in my daddy’s side by side
Bumpin’ up and down in my daddy’s side by side
Havin so much fun
OH NO!!! It broke down and it won’t start.
What can I use to fix it?? (The children offer examples of tools.)
I’m gonna fix it with a SAW
I’m gonna fix it with a SAW
I’m gonna fix it with a SAW
OH NO!!! It’s still broken
(Keep singing about trying to fix it with different tools until they have exhausted their ideas.)
I’m gonna fix it with a screwdriver
I’m gonna fix it with a screwdriver
I’m gonna fix it with a screwdriver
(Pretend to try to start it and make a motor sound)
Bumpin’ up and down in my daddy’s side by side
Bumpin’ up and down in my daddy’s side by side
Bumpin’ up and down in my daddy’s side by side.
Havin so much fun!
Nail Pounding

Give each child a toy hammer or child’s size real hammer and have them tap golf tees into the stryofoam.
Challenge them to create a pattern using different colours.
For older kids you could introduce a real hammer and nails with wood.
Car Racing

Save your wrapping paper rolls and cut them in half lengthwise.
Sometimes you can find harder and longer industrial sized cardboard rolls.
Let the children race their cars down these ramps.

Many dads love sports.
A great activity is to teach children a bit about a team sport.
Talk about the basic rules and have them practise passing, throwing in, and kicking the ball in the net.

Create a few different mini golf targets and let the children try to hit the ball into the holes.
Construction zone

Have a sandbox and/or rock areas with construction toys.
You could use a plastic container or even a kids swimming pool.
Plant a grass head

Dad’s are often the silly parent and these grass heads look pretty silly. For this sensory activity you will need pantyhose, scissors, soil, grass seed, yogurt cup, elastics and things to decorate. Visit Homemade Gifts Made Easy for instructions.
These are just some of the ways you can celebrate dads with children.
Hopefully I have given you some ideas on how to incorporate a Father’s Day theme into your planning.
Lots of help for someone that needs a idea or two. Mom