I was asked to organize a Star Wars related scavenger hunt with puzzles and trivia for my brother in-law’s 50th birthday bash. He is a big Star Wars fan. I figured that since we were having the party outdoors, it would be better to create physical challenges and turned it into “Jedi Training”.
This event happened a couple weeks ago. The whole birthday party weekend was a surprise. My brother in-law received a 5 min long video invite to attend his Jedi training at our place on the Friday night. He arrived to a crowd of 35 people or so spending the weekend at our place. We didn’t get around to the Jedi training until the Saturday afternoon.
After each challenge, he was given a costume piece, weapon or accessory to becoming a full Jedi. I tried to incorporate some quotes from the movies in the instructions.
1.Discover Your Inner Yoda
After choosing a training partner, your partner will begin your transformation by painting your face green (green camo stick).
Once his face was painted, he received the eyes and ears of a Jedi.

2. Paying for Your Jedi Training
Jedi training is expensive. To make some money, you must audition for the Cantina band.
Using the boomwhackers, play some Cantina music.
You “may” ask for assistance from some rebel sympathizers.
Master Yoda wore a Blissl, an instrument he crafted himself.
For his outstanding musical prowess, this Jedi trainee was gifted this handcrafted musical pipe necklace.

3. Space Flyers
Like Luke Skywalker, you want to be the best pilot in the galaxy.
You will need to find your target and fly straight at it.
Using the flying discs, land them successfully in the basket before moving on to your next task.
After showing his accuracy, he received the hands of a Jedi.

4. Blaster Practice
“Great so far kid, but don’t get too cocky.”
A Jedi must have great aim when using a blaster.
You must knock over all ten of the Storm Troopers to move onto your next objective.

He showed his skill with a blaster which allowed him to get some Jedi clothing.

5. Storm Trooper Toss
“The force is what gives a Jedi its power.” For this task, your hands and feet must be nimble.
Once again you must choose a partner. Toss an egg back and forth ten times taking a step back after each toss. If an egg breaks or gets dropped, you must start over.
For showing great agility, he received some Jedi feet.

6. Defeat the dark side
“Don’t give into the hate that leads to the dark side.”
Blow up a black balloon. Using two practise lightsabers, keep calm control of the dark side by keeping the balloon in the air. You must hit the balloon 50 times.

NOTE: We had to switch to a soft ball instead of a balloon and reduce the number of hits required because it was way too windy.
He was not yet ready for his own lightsaber but he was given a walking stick for his future endeavours.

7. Rebel Alliance vs Dark Side
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this” but you are the chosen one…
For this task you will use a sling shot. You must fire at the box targets which are currently controlled by the dark side. Each dark side symbol you hit will cause it to revert to the rebel side. Beware, if you hit the same rebel symbol again, it will revert once again to the dark side. Your mission is complete when the rebels control more territory than the dark side.

As a reward, he received a satchel.
As you can see the slingshot was just a platform made with some scrap 2X4’s and OSB. The slingshot just a physical therapy exercise band and he was shooting spray painted golf balls.
8. Feed the Jedi
“Remember, the ability to speak does not make you intelligent.”
As a Jedi you need to be able to communicate even if you cannot speak.
One at a time, put a marshmallow into your mouth without chewing or swallowing. Once you have at least ten marshmallows in your mouth, you must express these words,
“Try not. Do or do not….there is no try.”

After this task, he received some 900 year old Jedi teeth.

9. Prisoner Transfer
Jedis must maintain control of their prisoners.
Using a straw, transfer each prisoner (ping pong ball), one at a time from clutches of the dark side (black pail) to the rebel base (white pail). During the transfer, after each prisoner moved, a tie fighter (kid) will begin chasing you. Good luck.

Once all the prisoners had been moved, he received some stuncuffs (toy handcuffs).
10. Final Task. Mastering Your Lightsaber.
Each rebel sympathizer will take a turn assisting you in your final task. They will each toss a ring which you must catch with your lightsaber. If you miss, the throw must be repeated.
After all ten larger rings have been caught, you will have to catch the five smaller rings.

This was the end and he successfully completed his training to go on and defeat the dark side. He earned his lightsaber.

After a some grueling training, this Jedi was hungry.

As for the supplies needed, we used what we had on hand. Much of the items came from our container of old Halloween costumes.
The clothing was just an old bed skirt and a throw blanket from the dollar store.
The rings also from the dollar store and the smaller rings some dive rings for a pool. You could make rings by cutting out the inside of any plastic lid.
Instead of a disc golf basket and discs, you could use a round laundry basket inside an tomato cage and frisbees.
Instead of a nerf gun, try a strong super soaker gun.
The satchel could be any small purse or bag with a strap.
My husband has also created some wooden lightsabers using dowels with a wood slice for the pommel and handles wrapped in coloured duct tape. He then slid a pool noodle over to make playing with them safer. The kids had fun playing with these throughout the weekend.

This Jedi challenge would work for a kids birthday as well, adapting each task to suit the Jedi in question.
For it to work for an adult, the adult does have to be a willing participant for it to go over well.
My brother in-law was such a good sport and the kids thoroughly enjoyed engaging with him during the training.
WOW talk about creativity – you have it. Great party for a great guy – happy 50th!!!