My husband and I have decided to try to eat a bit more healthy.

Now that we are preparing meals for just the two of us, it seems like an easier goal.
One of the things we decided was to have a salad as our supper meal at least a few times each week.

Now that I am unable to do any cardio exercise due to my leg injury, it is extra important to eat better and use portion control.

I am not a big fan of plain old garden salad but I don’t mind a salad such as Cobb Salad.


Romaine lettuce cut up


Deli ham or cut up ham

Peaches and cream corn (1/4 cup per person)

Marble cheese chunks

Hardboiled eggs (1-2 per person)

Real bacon bits

Ranch dressing (2 Tbsp per person)

Honey mustard (1/2 Tbsp per person)

Place the toppings onto the lettuce in each bowl.
Mix up the dressing and mustard in a bowl and spoon it on.

I find that this salad tastes good and fills you up enough that you don’t feel the need for late night snacking.

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