Sometimes life happens and you need to detour from the path you set out on. We were away for a few days attending a family funeral so I got a bit behind on my creating and ended up playing catch up for the remainder of the month.
Day fifteen was thermometer and I rolled wood burner. Nothing special but it gave me a chance to practise making circles because of all the zeroes.

Day sixteen was snowy path and I rolled sharpie. I was already tired of just drawing something so I decided to make a path in the actual snow using my snow shoes. We have had so little snow this winter that I have only used them once. We had a patch of snow below our deck that had very few animal tracks in it. Most of our property is strewn with deer, moose or coyote tracks. Here is my snowy path. I even tried to make two snow angels near the bottom. Exercise and art was quite fun.

Day seventeen was woodpecker and I rolled watercolours. I gave all our water colour paper to my brother and his wife when they came to get the dogs. I had another 5X7 canvas so I thought I would try to use that. Not a real fan of how much watercolours bleed into each other. I think this was my least favourite so far.

Day eighteen was bare trees and I rolled bread ties. I had hoped to get an animal or bird for bread ties and couldn’t imagine creating trees out of them. I decided to use pie dough instead. I had single crust balls of dough in the freezer so I defrosted one and set to work. I used about a half a ball, rolled it out then set to work cutting pieces and placing them onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Here is my before and after (sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar).

Day nineteen was deer and I rolled yarn. I printed out a deer head with geometric shapes in it then proceeded to cut and glue pieces of scrap yarn. I really like how this one turned out.

Day twenty was snowshoes and I rolled scrap wood. The weather was beautiful on Day 20 with temperatures above 0° and the sun shining. I decided to go collect some willow branches to make the snowshoes. With hardly any snow left but the ground still frozen, moving through the thick willow thickets was easier than it has ever been. I explored areas that I had not yet been able to in summer nor winter. Here are the two snowshoes that I weaved. They would fit my feet but I am not sure how long they would stay together. I might use them in the garden for a plant to climb. The next day I went back for more branches and made a garden obelisk. I plan to make a few more and will share on a future post.

Day twenty one was moose and I rolled plastic lids. I have quite a collection of juice, pop and baby food lids. I have seen enough moose now that I was able to create this from memory. Not a bad likeness.

Day twenty two was shriveled rose hips and I was supposed to use glue and glitter. I decided that photography is also art so I used my phone to snap this.

Day twenty three was camp fire and I got twigs. With such a typical medium for the item I needed to create, I wanted to create different campfire bases. We had such a cold and snowy spell near the end of the month that gathering and placing wood wasn’t in the cards.
Day twenty four was icicle and I was supposed to use cotton balls but I decided to use the glue and table salt. I also added a bit of iridescent paint after it had dried. Where you see blue actually looks like different colours depending on the light.

Day twenty five was northern sunrise and I got tea bags. I had a yellowish tea with turmeric, a berry tea and a black tea. I painted the sky with watered down blue paint but the rest was the tea bags. This the photo I was trying to recreate. Let’s just say it didn’t work so well.

Day twenty six was blue jay and I decided to use a grease pencil, chalk pencil and sharpie marker. I think the head looks really good but the body is disproportionate to the head.

Day twenty seven was animal tracks and I was supposed to use blue pen. Drawing these seemed too easy. We had some fresh snow and I noticed, when out snowshoeing, that we had a lot of visitors that had left beautiful prints in the snow. I traipsed around our property finding the best tracks in the snow and took some photos.
left to right: mouse, squirrel, coyote, deer, moose

Day twenty eight was cat tails and I got pasta. I thought about using spaghetti for the stems, fusili for the cat tails and painting it but I was kind of done with the gluing objects onto paper. This one didn’t get done.
Day twenty nine was snow covered pine tree and I got pencil.

It was definitely hard to create one project a day for an entire month. There were some I was excited to make and turned out well and others I procrastinated on but ended up really enjoying the process. These were my favourites. I see a wildlife theme emerging.

I found that acrylic paint and pencil were often used with other mediums to help bring a creation to life. I repeated the acrylic paint twice and took photographs twice. Missed two days and combined two others but finished with 26 projects. Any time I felt cabin fever this past month, I always had something to work on and the month went by quickly
Beautiful and very creative.
These projects certainly would have kept you busy!
Amazing!! What a challenge! Good imagination, I am impressed.😲
Corinne, I always wait to see what you are going to create next, and am always intrigued. I love the way you challenge yourself. You make me want to find a craft challenge. I have been digging deep into writing family history and trying to be creative with the ‘treasures’ I find. The other day I found a box of my mother’s/grandma’s rickrack in all kinds of shapes and colours. So — hmm— maybe I can merge them with an old button collection?