it is that time of year when people are putting up their Christmas trees.
When I see a Christmas tree, “O Christmas Tree” pops into my head.
Of course, I then have to sing it in my head.
Oddly, I don’t sing it in English but in German.
When I was in school, grade 7 or 8 I think, there was a language club that met at lunch.
I am pretty sure it was at lunch because I remember some bus/farm kids in the club and not many of them could stay for after school activities.
Anyhow, in this language club we learned more French and German.
Our French teacher, Mr. Eichler, was fluent in German and he enjoyed teaching us using songs.
I can recall his energetic voice singing “Vive le Vent”(Jingle Bells) in French.
I also remember learning to count to ten, some basic phrases and how to sing “O Tannenbaum” (O Christmas Tree) in German.

My button tree project
I laid out a variety of green buttons on a cut piece of plywood until I was satisfied with the arrangement. Then I added some brown buttons for the trunk.
Weldbond was used as glue to secure each button.
This glue goes on white but dries clear and it holds very well.
The only downside is that it does not dry quickly; a full bonding takes about 24 hours.
After the buttons were attached I chose a font, printed out “O Christmas Tree” and transferred it to the wood using carbon paper.
I used my Razortip wood burner to burn in the letters.
I was not happy with it at this stage so I cut the same maple hardwood strips as I did with my May God Hold You project to create a frame on top.
I then burned little lines on the frame.
I felt the tree was not accented enough so I sanded everywhere around the tree with 220 grade sand paper.
This gave the tree a darker background.
Sometimes it is nice to create something that represents a memory; my memory of “O Christmas Tree”.
Corinne, that’s beautiful and it’s so interesting to read the background of it.