I have posted often about our feathery friends around our property.
Last year I decided to do wood burnings of a few of them.

Last fall my husband Chris decided to try making some chickadees out of stained glass and attached them to a piece of driftwood.

The other two birds that frequent our feeders most often in winter are the White Breasted Nuthatch and the Blue Jay.
I managed to snap a photo of one of the nuthatches at the feeder the other day.

The Blue Jays have been a bit skittish lately, flying away as I approach. My brother’s dogs being underfoot seemed to be the reason. The dogs have been gone a few days now and I finally got a photo of one of the Blue Jays visiting the peanut feeder.

Chris took very little time creating two stained glass pieces; one with a Blue Jay and one with 2 Nuthatches.
With our limited daylight these days, I decided to take the birds outside to capture them in the natural light.
Here is the Blue Jay.

And the Nuthatches.

I love how he captured their dirty bellies. I have never seen a Nuthatch with a clean underbelly.
Here they are in a different light.

Both pieces of wood were from a tree we purposely cut down on our property. The tree was growing too close to others and it was the perfect circumference for wood cookies for my wood burning. We kept some sections of the tree cut like this for other larger burning projects.
The three stained glass projects now sit in the window facing the driveway side deck where I have two small feeders on the deck railing. I am not sure if the birds coming to those feeders have noticed the birds sitting in the window.

With every stained glass project Chris makes, his workmanship gets better and better. I really love when he decides to incorporate wood into a piece. His next plan is to create pieces to go in the small windows above the windows in the living room. He hopes having something there will keep the birds from hitting the windows in the spring.
