I have seen many of these ideas floating around on facebook and I saved them thinking I would like to […]

15 Life Hacks For the Kitchen
These tricks are things things that I have discovered or learned that make my life easier. They all relate to […]

The Tedious Task of Defrosting the Freezer
First off, I should reveal that my freezer is an upright freezer. We bought this freezer when we moved to […]

The Magic of the Move
I feel that I am somewhat of an moving expert after moving eight times with seven of those moves involving […]

10 General Purpose Life Hacks
I have often seen tricks for making life easier floating around on facebook. I thought I would share some of […]

Getting Rid of the Stink
There are both green onions and chives in my backyard garden. For some reason, they both grow like crazy and […]

Liquefy Your Lettuce and Love it
I have planted lettuce in my garden no matter where we have lived. Often it has been too dry and […]