This spring and last spring, in the morning and the evening, we would often hear a bird with the oddest […]

If You Build it They Will Come
I found some bird house dimensions in a wood working magazine that my husband used to subscribe to. Birds actually […]
A Trip Down Memory Lane that Started with a Bird
I was reminded recently of our family camping days from my childhood. It wasn’t a photograph or a conversation that […]

Observing the Pollinators
I love how the different trees and plants on our property provide a continuous sustenance for the different pollinators we […]

Some Early Signs of Spring
I was out for a walk yesterday to see how much the snow had gone down. It was quite warm […]

End of Winter Tasks to be Ready for Spring
A month from now there will be tasks like dethatching, preparing the ground for planting and cleaning up animal poop […]

Wood Burning Some More Birds for my Fireplace wall
I was reminded this morning that the birds and other creatures we see around our place might change from year […]

Feeding Stations for the Birds
In the fall I tried to coerce the Chickadees to come and eat out of my hand while I was […]

My Only Pets are the Chickadees
While I love both dogs and cats, we currently do not have any of our own right now. We babysit […]

Preserving the Memory of our Winter Wildlife on Wood
It has been such a busy season for wildlife around our place that I thought I would create some wood […]