We had about 15cm of snow last week and there is another 20cm forecast for this coming week. Our daytime […]
Finding Love in All the Wrong Places
I came home from my Saskatchewan trip to a fresh blanket of 25cm of snow. We spent our first few […]

The Beauty of the Winter Solstice
Today we will experience our shortest day with 7hrs, 7minutes and 53 seconds of daylight. It is , though, not […]

Watching the Wonderful Woodpeckers
In the summertime there are lots of different species of birds around our property. Some days it is a cacophony […]

The Trouble With Freeloading Houseguests
We have been very accommodating to two guests that have decided to move in on our property. Each of the […]

Berry Picking Season is Half Over
As I have the last two summers, I spend a few weeks in July/early August picking wild Saskatoons and wild […]

Something I Will Likely See Only Once in my Lifetime
On Wednesday afternoon I was headed outside to do some weeding. I would say that half of the time that […]

If His Eye Is on the Sparrow Then He Definitely Watches Over Me
One day recently I was chatting with my mom and she mentioned that she had heard a sparrow somewhere nearby. […]

Winter is For the Birds
I recently read an article about how to attract more chickadees to your yard. I realized that over the last […]

Something to Hoot About
We have lived in this house for almost two years now. The first winter we had one night where we […]