The last few times we have had a fire at our fire pit, I have been sitting in a folding […]

A Man Gets Creative Left Alone in His Workshop
While I have been busy berry picking daily for the last couple weeks, my husband has seized the opportunity of […]

Saskatoon Berry Picking Reveals Other Treasures
In the spring, when the Saskatoon bushes flowered, I could tell that there would be a lot of berries this […]

The Elusive Ghost Bird
This spring and last spring, in the morning and the evening, we would often hear a bird with the oddest […]

If You Build it They Will Come
I found some bird house dimensions in a wood working magazine that my husband used to subscribe to. Birds actually […]
A Trip Down Memory Lane that Started with a Bird
I was reminded recently of our family camping days from my childhood. It wasn’t a photograph or a conversation that […]

Creating a Garden One Garden Box at a Time
Our original plan was to get to work right after the snowmelt and build some raised garden boxes and another […]

A Fun Little Piece of Summer Decor
I am enjoying making some seasonal decor items to sit on my display ledge located on the landing of our […]

Observing the Pollinators
I love how the different trees and plants on our property provide a continuous sustenance for the different pollinators we […]

Planting Trees in the Rain
This past week we loosened the ground in the areas we were going to plant trees, moved triple mix over […]