January in Canada can be rough on all of us mentally.
Trapped inside due to the cold or snow, we tend to spend too much time wallowing in negative and self-deprecating thoughts; myself included.
I decided to create a calendar of activities for myself that focuses on positivity and self-love.
I hope you will join in on some or all of the activities.

January 1
Write down 10 things you are thankful for right now
January 2
Go for a long outdoor walk or skate on an outdoor pond.
January 3
Bake your favourite cake and share it with someone. This date is the birthday of my sister and a friend so I can remotely celebrate by eating some cake.
January 4
Write down some objects, sounds or smells that calm you. It helps to have these things close by and at the front of our minds for those times we get anxious, agitated or stressed.
January 5
Practice deep breathing. Breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Repeat ten times. You are doing it right if you get sleepy.
January 6
Brighten up your kitchen. Clean tarnish off the cutlery, get the water spots off the glasses, wash the cupboards. Do something that makes your kitchen seem brighter.
January 7
Make your favourite meal or try a new recipe you’ve been dying to make. Assemble all your ingredients early in the day and shop for whatever you still need so you are prepared.
January 8
Write down three favourite winter memories and write as much detail as you can remember. What you saw, heard, smelled, tasted or felt. These could be from childhood right up to now.
January 9
Move the photographs and/or artwork around in your home. Try a new piece of art on your wall. Sometimes change can be a good thing. For me it will be to actually put something up in my new home.
January 10
Write down three people or things you would not want to live without and why. Doing this helps you realize who or what is important to you and how you need to cherish them.
January 11
Find something beautiful outside and take a picture. Winter can be such a beautiful time of the year. The way heavy snow hangs on trees, the frosted look everywhere after a quick freeze and even just the clean look of newly fallen snow.
January 12
Shovel some snow and make a sliding hill or maze. Exercise is always good for your mental health. If you can create something for others to enjoy that is even better.
January 13
Pick one cupboard or closet and give it a thorough clean. When you take a messy space and make it neat and tidy this feeling of utter calm and contentment washes over you.
January 14
Read a book in a bubble bath. I use Caprina milk bath as it helps me avoid itchy dry winter skin.
January 15
Reach out to someone you have not connected with in a long time. Use a form of communication that causes you the least amount of stress. It could be a phone call, email, text o even snail mail.
January 16
Clean your stove and/or microwave. Opening up your stove and seeing the blackened crumbs is never a good feeling. The task may not be pleasant but the feeling you will get for days to come opening the door to a clean stove or microwave is totally worth it.
January 17
Do some simple stretches and unwind. Start at your toes and work your way up to your head. Work on achy spots in your body. Hold stretches for 30 seconds.
January 18
Doodle a whole page about yourself. Include favourite foods, hobbies and colours, draw a picture of yourself, write down important words in interesting fonts. I am really excited about this one!!
January 19
Send a birthday card in the mail to someone that has a birthday in January. It takes a real effort to actually mail a card these days. Even if the card arrives late, the sentiment will still be felt.
January 20
Describe on paper your current home. Try to keep your thoughts to the positive and use all your senses.
January 21
Watch your favourite movie while eating your favourite snack. A Mirror Has Two Faces or Sabrina would probably be my favourites and for a snack homemade caramel corn.
January 22
Write three positive things about your shadow. I thought this might be a challenging one as you need sunlight to create a shadow but you could use a lamp I guess. It will also be a challenge to find nice things to say about yourself.
January 23
Listen to a favourite playlist or create a new one. Music can definitely soothe the soul or give you energy. Listen to whatever type you NEED today.
January 24
Plan your next vacation. I included this one because I have been avoiding it. I don’t want to have to cancel because COVID is still lingering. I need to at least choose the where and what even if the when is still a question.
January 25
Send a card or letter to a friend via snail mail. Make this a thank you to someone who is always there for you.
January 26
Sort your junk drawer. I have been in my new house for about two months (end Jan) and my “junk” drawer is already a mess.
January 27
Sit in a favourite chair with a blanket in your PJs. For me it will be my Lazyones Buffalo plaid onesie. I might read a book, work on some logic puzzles or just look out at the snow.
January 28
Make a heart on wood, canvas or paper and give it to a loved one. I put this in as a reminder of a suggestion from my sister to make some wooden hearts.
January 29
Play a board game with friends or online. Games help to pass the time and give our brains a mental workout.
January 30
Replenish first aid supplies in your home and your purse. Make sure you still have bandaids, Tylenol, Kleenex packets, wet wipes, sanitizer and masks. I forgot to include vehicle kits as well.
January 31
Make yourself a plan to keep busy and provide self-care for February.
These are all just ideas and you could do any of them on any day. I wanted a plan for my January to make me accountable to not just burrow under a blanket and hibernate. I hope to share some pics of some of my activities at the end of the month.
Update: Here is my blog post highlighting my month long journey of self-care. Check it out January re-cap.
Happy New Year to the family.
Great ideas.