While I was visiting my parents in January, we went through my mom’s memory chest. The was a green wooden chest that was always kept in the basement and us kids had never really known what exactly was in it.

My mom had kept certain items from each of us, whether it be a drawing from elementary school, a hand made Mother’s Day card or even a bought card with sentimental value.

Back in 1993, when my parents were celebrating their 29th anniversary, I had mailed them a card while I was at Royal Roads Military College. This was one of the items in the chest.

The card was a book style card with twelve pages and on each page was these two bears in a different scene.

I was realizing, in the moment that I sent my parents that card for their 29th anniversary and in October of last year Chris and I had celebrated our 29th anniversary. Reading what I had written in the card (and I wrote quite a lot), I realized that I wrote out the card sometime in October in order to make sure it arrived in time for their anniversary in early November. I was going on about wondering if marriage would ever be for me. Ironically, Chris and I starting dating within a week of me writing the card and we were married the following October.

Thinking about anniversaries and weddings, I had an idea pop into my head almost immediately.
What if I was to great a version of this card on wood and instead of two bears I would use Winnie the Pooh and Piglet?
I honestly feel like there is a Pooh and there is a Piglet in every married couple.

I went online to try to find Piglet and Pooh scenes that fit with the words of the card. I then adapted them to suit what I wanted it to look like on the wood. I burned the edges and words then painted the scenes with acrylic paint.

The entire piece is on a piece of spruce about 3.5 feet tall and 18” wide.

I originally planned this as a wedding gift but I have decided to keep it…at least for now. A celebratory piece for our 30th anniversary that we celebrated this past week. Also remembering Chris’s parent’s 55th that they celebrated in July and my parents 60th coming up in November.
Definitely a year for milestone anniversaries

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