Most of you know that I like gnomes and have burned and painted a number of gnome wood slice ornaments. I decided to challenge myself and create a gnome on a larger ”canvas”.
There have been certain pieces of wood that we have salvaged from the forest that I instantly had a plan for. This triangular piece of wood was one of them.
It took quite awhile to sand off all the bark and rough edges but, in the end, I was left with a nice smooth piece of colourful maple.
It was the perfect shape for creating a gnome. I saw a red and black ladybug themed gnome on Pinterest and decided to do something similar.
After drawing my gnome onto the wood, I began to burn in the lines using my wood burner.

Burning all the outlines gives everything a thin black outline and helps to hold the paint in each section.

The painting took a fair amount of time but I like the way it turned out.

The best part of painting on wood is that when you tire of the painted side, you can just turn it around and enjoy the uniqueness of the wood on the back.

I enjoy looking at every piece of wood we find and imagining what it can become. I will be keeping an eye out for similarly shaped wood pieces in the future as I would like to create more gnomes. For now I will enjoy my ladybug gnome as we welcome in Spring.
Super smart! 👍