We all have old CD’s sitting around either from music we never listen to or computer discs that are now basically obsolete. Instead of throwing them out, why not create a toy for a child or donate them to a daycare to use for crafts.
Thrift stores are a great place to find CD’s if you don’t have any lying around.
I have made this craft with a number of different kids groups. It works well with younger and older kids and is a great summer camp craft.
Materials needed
small marble
plastic juice or pop lid
white paper
markers or crayons
hot glue gun
Start by tracing the CD onto a piece of white paper.
Trace the outside and the inner circle.

Cut out the outside circle.
Pinch the center and snip a small slit then cut the inner circle.
Colour the white circle with markers or crayons any way you like.
The more colourful the better.

Glue the coloured paper to the not-shiny side of the CD.
Glue the juice lid on top of the coloured paper and cover the hole in the middle.
I like to add a rim of hot glue around it to keep it anchored.

Turn the CD over and glue the marble so it sits in the hole in the middle of the CD.
Again, using more glue than less is a good idea.

Here is a quick video of it spinning. It got caught in the hardwood flooring but kept on going.
This is another spinner that I made and coloured with bright coloured markers.
As the CD spins the colours seem to really pop out.

I like that the kids can do most of the craft on their own. They can cut and colour the paper disc then glue it on and choose their colour of lid and marble. An adult only has to do a quick hot gluing of the lid and marble at the end to finish it up.
A craft that is also a toy is a bonus.
It occupies a child’s interest not only in making it but also playing with it afterwards.
Like a ‘top’ brought back to life! 👍
Pretty clever, entertainment for the evening.