I find it amazing how things we see can spark a memory. I had not thought about pussy willows for years until we came across some catkins emerging from some branches as we walked around our property. All winter long I wondered what the thick bushes were that grow along the creek running along the back of our property; it turns out that they are willows.

Unfortunately, the deer and moose find them exceptionally delectable which means the ones easiest to reach were also without buds. Another problem with getting close to them was the spring run off in the creek. It was impossible to get to many of the willows without getting soaked.
Fortunately, we also have two fairly large growths of them in beside our two sheds. I was able to cut some from here.

Growing up, I remember us gathering pussy willows and having them as decoration on our table or in the living room. I also remembered that Ukrainian Catholics use them on Palm Sunday instead of palm branches. They tap each other with the blessed pussy willow branches.
I reached out to my sister-in-law and asked if she would like me to collect some for her. Ukrainian Catholics also decorate the religious icons in their homes with pussy willows.
There is only a short window of time when the catkins are just emerging from their shells and before they get quite puffy.
I cut some for her and put them in a box. They will stay this way for a long time without the catkins falling off.

These beautiful symbols of spring and new life are a wonderful bonus to our property.
As Easter approaches, I wish you all to be:
“As big as the willow, healthy as water and rich as the earth.”
Good story!