As I was looking for Easter crafting projects I came across these cute yarn bunnies. They appeared to be very easy to make and, after watching a couple different videos, I set out to make a few. If you can knit a square using only garter stitch, you can make these bunnies.
I use this thinner beige yarn with dark flecks in it for the first bunny. I guessed at what size of needle to use and decided on 4.5mm when it should have been maybe 3.0mm. I went with the suggested 30 st cast on. From what I watched and read, you can just eyeball that you have made a square when deciding on the number of rows; apparently my eyeballing is not so great. I also didn’t like the way the ears looked so I weaved them closed…not a great idea. The face was another botched attempt, first with yarn and even with what I settled on with plastic beads. I think I prefer no face. The tail was a quick wrap around a fork Pom Pom. My first attempt was ok but I definitely changed a few things for the next bunny.

I chose a thicker yarn and used the same, 4.5mm needles. I still cast on 30 st. This time, I used a tape measure to measure the width of the 30 stitches and then knit rows until that side measured the same. It was an 8”X8” square.

The next step was to use a running stitch and create a triangle that, when pulled tight becomes the head.

I placed a small ball of fibre fill in the center of the triangle. You then pull on the yarn that you ran the running stitch and the end of the yarn, cinching it as tight as you can. I tied it in a knot. It should look something like this. The yarn end can be used to close the head between the ears.

I decided to weave the yarn at the bottom of the bunny and then weave it back to the same point so I could use it to run up the back. The first bunny was way too lightweight and I wanted to add some weight to this one. I grabbed a small square black rag and put some old popcorn kernels into it then tied it off with a hair tie; rice would also work. I placed it in what would be the bottom of my bunny. For the rest of the body, I just added more fill. I kept weaving the yarn to close up the back ending at the base of the head. It is easy enough to add a homemade or store bought pom pom at the end.

My next bunny was meant to be smaller but I didn’t realize how much smaller it would be. This one had a 6” square. The yarn was so thickly knit that I was able to just pour in some loose popcorn kernels before adding the fill. I sewed on a store bought pom pom for its tail.

These bunnies could be left with an open back and filled with treats as an Easter gift. I would suggest that you gift some fill and matching yarn so it could be finished if they so choose.
I had a couple of realizations while watching videos leading up to this and making the bunnies that I thought I would share.
1. To keep a loose cast on, cast onto both needles and then pull one out when you’ve cast on all the stitches. My cast ons are often too tight so doing this is so much easier.

2. When tying a knot, after your first left over right and under, do another “and under”. Once pulled, this will hold the yarn tightly in place for you to finish the knot with right over left and under. No need for having someone hold it with their finger.
3. You will need to weave around the neck of the bunny again to tighten it more otherwise you see little dents from where the running stitch was.
4. Scrap pieces of yarn could be used as fill especially if your bunny is tightly knit.
5. You must add something for weight or the bunny will basically fall over.
These bunnies are pretty easy to make and another great way to use up left over yarn. I struggled with creating a face that I was pleased with and chose to leave them faceless after the first bunny. Perhaps I will make a larger bunny with a 10 or 12 inch square. I guess you could go as big as you want to. This project is a really basic knitting project. As much as I might want to learn to crochet, I am trying to find more knitted projects. New projects allow me to learn a few more knitting skills to expand what I can make. Sometimes it is better to stick with something you are comfortable with.
How cute! 🥰