I have seen many of these ideas floating around on facebook and I saved them thinking I would like to try them. Some I have already tried and you may have already seen the pictures. On the pictures that are not mine, I have added the websites in case you would like to visit them.
- Use paint sticks as markers
Buy cheap paint sticks from the dollar store or hardware store.
I wood burned on some veggies but you could write or draw.
I coated these with clear nail polish to see if it helps them last more than one season.

2. DIY plant hanger or lantern
This seems fairly easy to do. I would like to try it with the lights that are on solar lanterns and hung under a gazebo or garden hooks.

Click Little Hive Crafts to watch an easy video of how to
3. Paint red stones and place around berry bushes
If you get birds eating your berries, this apparently works if you put out the stones before the berries flourish.
They peck the stones and don’t return.

4.Stack clay pots to create cascade plant holder

5. Clear umbrellas to cover plants
This is an alternative to a green house as the light gets in but it is still protected from the cooler air.

6. Start tomato plants in tall yogurt containers
Only add a small amount of soil when planting.
Cover the container with plastic wrap for quick germination.
As the seedling grows, add more soil.

7. Aphid trap…upside down yellow solo cup

8. Mailbox in the garden to store tools
We were given a mailbox years ago that my husband’s aunt had painted.
I would one day like to mount it in my garden like this.

9. Marble water bath for bees
I tried this one summer and it worked but you do have to refresh the water or mosquitoes can propagate.

10. Lightbulb bugs
I have saved the old fashioned outdoor Christmas lights that came with our Fort Mac house. The paint was mostly gone on them and I was able to remove the rest of the paint.
I hope to create some of these with some of the bulbs and use nail polish to decorate.

11. Coffee filter in pot so soil doesn’t fall out holes
Hopefully by posting this, I will remember to do this next year.
I forgot again when repotting my tomato plants.

12. Use vegetable mesh bag to assist in flower arrangement
Any time I have gotten flowers, I put them in a jar or vase and they lean to one side.
This would space them out nicely and I think it would make the arrangement look great.

13. Save mini cucumber trays and stryrofoam sausage trays to put under egg carton starters
The plastic cucumber trays are a perfect fit under the full egg carton.
The styrofoam works as well but only for half a carton.

14. Use stray rubber or work boot to plant a plant
We lost a rubber boot in one of our moves.
I have kept the stray one in hopes of one day using it to plant something in.

15. Pour boiling water on weeds
I know that heat works to kill weeds.
My hubby tried torching some just for fun.

I want to try this method and see if it works especially between the patio stones where it is hard to pull out the roots.
16. Add bee house to attract pollinators
My husband’s aunt made a bee house very similar to this one.
We plan to incorporate it into our backyard space to encourage the bees to visit.

17. Poke holes in top of milk jug to use as watering can

18. Protect plants from frost with milk cartons
This picture is how I remember the garden at our grandparents house when I was a child.
There were cartons everywhere.

19. Speed up compost using a blender and water
We have a blender that really doesn’t get used much anymore as I use the magic bullet instead. It would be a great idea to use it to blend up veggie waste and pour it directly back on the garden.

20. Create your own seed tape using toilet paper

I hope you haven’t seen all the pictures in this post already and that something sparked that feeling of “I want to try this!”. I am excited to try #12 and # 19; how about you?